Friday, 6 December 2019


It includes a wide range of chart types: I played around with the demos and tried a few things out on my own, but I did not get a true feel for the components until I built an actual application. Optional Automatically create panes when loading settings from file breaking change: Maybe I do something wrong or I don't understand demo. You will be able to benefit from the improved look and feel, and from fewer trips back to the server. Is it possible that we have a memory leak from the TMS components? Best Regard Francisco Alvarado. cgdevtools

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This includes menus, grids, navigation controls, advanced edits, HTML editor and lots more.

So, what's your best advice for me? Because CGDev is built for asynchronous development things are a little cgdegtools ferent than the standard IW components. When the grid is connected to a GridDataSetProvider the changes get pushed through to the table.

In most cases you have to turn off asynch properties if you want to work in full submit mode.


I already use the TMS Component Pack and I feel they need improvement in several areas like the the page mode in then dbgrid, but in general they are good. We don't use Picture1 anywhere in the application.

I would like to ask you as an experienced CGDev user ; Do they have DB-aware components which works well in async mode? I like the Cgdfvtools grids aysnc editing mode because it behaves like a spreadsheet and is familiar to users.


I'm looking for dev. What could be the problem?


I use CGDev as the primary interface components. I use the WebGrid more than anything else. Francisco, I had the same problem with the grid when using it on top of a NexusDB table. Best regards Francisco Alvarado. Intraweb 11 support - New: It forces the cgdevtoolss to post each row as it is edited, which causes confusion and leads to incomplete data collection.

IWCGjQuery Mobile Suite for Intraweb – Video – CentralGest Development Tools

All of that works exactly as advertised. I played around with the demos and tried a few things out on my own, but I did not get a true feel for the components until I built an actual application.

Also, the support is topnotch!

I already did it and that issue was solved, but the menu at the left region is disabled. Support for IntraWeb XI added! CGDev is far better at displaying data, and providing runtime features to the end-user. The grid has some really cool editing dialogs that are built into it. I have found that you still cannot do everything in asynchronous mode. There are some operations that will require you to use a cgddvtools submit.

It will take a long time to fully understand everything that is available in CDGDev, but it will be worth it.

IWCGjQuery Mobile Suite for Intraweb

You will be able to benefit from the improved look and feel, and from fewer trips back to the server. I would suggest that you start from scratch and see how steep the CGDev learning curve is for you. So I use them only in full submit pages. Is it possible that we have a memory leak from the TMS components? Optional Automatically create panes when loading settings from file breaking change: What is your experience with CGDev?

Get your questions answered right away and see if you can rely on just that. For example, if I iterate through the grid records, edits for the detail records must be asynchronously updated. I have not gone deep enough into the CGDev grids in-line editing capabilities.


Best Regards Francisco Alvarado.

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