Tuesday, 10 December 2019


VoipDiscount starts automatically each time you start Mac OS, so you can save on your calls within seconds. Calls to all other PSTN phone numbers will be charged the applicable tariff for the destination you are calling. Yes you can - the callforwarding option in the client works with phone numbers, but you can also enter a VoipDiscount user name. Just click here to download VoipDiscount ; the download should take only a few moments depending on your connection speed. Can I call a destination not included in your country list? Just download and install our application. Why did I lose my local agent status? voipdiscount for mac

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Our local agent database only lists active local agents.

voipdiscount for mac

For a call to any voipfiscount phone or mobile phone number, you will need to buy credits. Click here to find out which one suits you best. How long does my credit last for calls? You can get extra Freedays by buying credit. Double-click the installation file you just downloaded to start installing the VoipDiscount on your Mac computer.

Download VoipDiscount!

Apart from that there are no other charges; no subscription, registration, or administration fees! Unused free minutes cannot be taken to the following week s.

Why am I not in the local agent list anymore? Can I forward my calls to other VoipDiscount users? Only destinations which we are able to offer at discounted rates are included in our destinations list.

Download the installation file Open the VoipConnect desktop client and log in or create an account Save money! Do you know a cheaper telecom provider? You can now choose from various popular languages. How it works; -Subscribe to VoipDiscount. In this case we advise you to open a new account.

How much will I be charged for my calls? The first time you start VoipDiscount, you will be asked to choose a User Name and password.

VoipDiscount | Free Calls and SMS

This depends on where the other person is calling from and which telephone provider they use. VoipDiscount accepts various major payment methods. How can VoipDiscount keep their rates so low? VoipDiscount client for Mac. Unused free minutes cannot be taken to the following week s.


How do I make a call? Why did I lose my local vkipdiscount status? The call should be charged at normal geographic rate and if ringing from abroad a normal international call to your country so the caller should check with their own telephone provider how much they charge for normal calls to landlines.

Voipdiscount Mac Os X - download

Can I get VoipDiscount in my favorite language? Unfortunately not at the moment. If limit is exceeded the normal rates apply. You can get extra Freedays by buying credit.

voipdiscount for mac

If limit is exceeded the normal rates apply. Accounts that have already redeemed vouchers or received moneytransfers, or have done a credit card related payment will NOT get the local agent status.

Linux users; click here. Starting the VoipDiscount for the First Time.


VoipDiscount is a free program that uses the latest technology to bring free and high-quality voice communications to people all over the world. Yes you can - the callforwarding option in the client works with phone numbers, but you foor also enter a VoipDiscount user name.

Therefore, if the country you wish to call is not included in the list, we do not offer it yet.

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